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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lucifer and Satan - Full Documentary HD

06 min
Sirius Documentaries
Updated (17.04.2020)
Basicly Satan and Lucifer don't mean the same thing.

Satan is the cosmic and astrological impact of the planet Saturn on our planet.

Satanism means saturnism.

Satan is the representative of universal negative energy which is a higher form of negativity which means "black god" rather than satan.

Satan is seth, it is night, night time, darkness

Satan is also in accordance with the astrological sign Capricorn

And Goth symbolically as an animal form of course.

Also Pan (Horned Deity)

Satan is male.

Lucifer is the Planet Venus or (Innna, Ishtar, aphrodite) and it's cosmic and astrological impacts on our planet.

Lucifer is female and it also means female energy

Morning star or the Star of Betlehem is lso referred to the planet Venus.

Sometimes lucifer is also referred to the Fallen angels, the Anunnaki or perhaps The ancient Atlantean bloodline or The watchers and the Star sirius (The mother, Isis) is their holiest star.

Lucifer is also refered to Enki, the creator of mankind

Enlil (El) is referred to GodFather and also Orion

And Enoch and Enki is the same person, Enki is Enoch already.

Lucifer is also referred to secret knowledge, the knowledge of the gods, genetic engineering, alchemy and magic.

The moon is the one eye of Isis, it is watching us and our planet earth.

The moon is the seeing and watchitng eye of Lucifer even in darkness.

Just like an owl.

According to my perspective the male side of the moon is referred to Anubis, the eye of the darkness, underworld, journey to underworld, journey to death

The sun is the other eye of Isis and it is also watching us and our planet earth it's referred to Horus as the other holy child

the Sun is Jesus, daylight, day, 

Osiris is the biggest star in the middle of the orion belt which is in correlation between the great pyramid of Giza.

The great pyramid of Giza is Osiris 

The Washington Monument is phalus of Osiris

The White House represents the pregnancy of Isis.

Mother- Holy Child- Father
Isis - Horus - Osiris
Sirius - Sun - Orion
Mary - Jesus - GodFather

Satan is fully negative

However there are both negative and positive sides of Lucifer,

The twin sister of Isis, Nephthys is also referred to Lucifer (The Planet Venus)

Nephtys is the mother of Anubis, she is also night, night time, darkness

The twin brother of Osiris, Seth, The planet Saturn is referred to the negative side of astrological power and energy on our planet earth,

he is also night, night time, darkness. Seth is the father of Anubis.

And Osiris and Isis are referred to father and mother of horus of course.

Dawn/Rising sun is also referred to Horus
Dusk/Sunset is also referred to Anubis

Horus is earth and life
Anubis is underworld, death and guidance to afterlife.

Horus and Anubis are brothers but they are also cousins.

The hexagram is a perfect symbolism and summary of all these ı'm talking about.

2 opposite familes and two holy child, daylight and night time, male and female, positive energy and negative energy,

 all in one.

I believe it is also one of the holiest symbol.

The real capitol of Isis is not Washington D.C. as usually known.

It is Paris actually which literally means the city of Isis

And the French revolution is a luciferian revolution, a masonic and bourgeous revolution, in other words  an Anunnaki revolution.

Which means that they don't care about the slaves, labors and working class but businessmen only.

Because mankind had been officialy created through genetic manipulation in order to be a slave race and serve the Anunnaki lords already! (or perhaps the Atlntean Bloodline, The Overlords, The Illuminti)

The French Revolution is a continuation of the U.S.A. and most of the founding fathers were also involved with the French revolution.

The Unites States of America is not a country, it's a private corperation and it's belong to the Anunnaki Elite.

That's why it doesn't even have it's original language but English, It's a cosmopolite refugee camp just like this planet earth.

The Unites States of America is the new Atlantis.

FED ,IMF, WORLD BANK, UN, NATO etc. are commanly known effective units of the Anunnaki.

They are the real vampires, blood suckers. cannibals and parasites, they are sucking your blood.

The Luciferians want to destroy the patriarchy  because according to them their holy goddess Lucifer is the original Queen of this world

Because they believe thousands of years ago this earth was belong to Inanna.

And they want it back.

 On the other hand according to me the real Queen of this world is Isis, the holy star Sirius, in other words Virgin Mary in human form representing the universal female energy.

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Lucifer And Satan

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