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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sakro Sawel: The Lost Civilisation and the Religion of the Sun - Full Documentary HD

50 min
Sakro Sawel
Sakro Sawel
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
Ancient traditions of the religion of the sun preserve accounts of a series of world ages that were destroyed by global catastrophes. 

They describe how civilization periodically goes through golden and dark ages, and declines over time to be destroyed and spiritually renewed over again. 

Their ancient texts and teachings state that such a catastrophe lies ahead for our civilization too. 

The symbol on my dress was found on an ancient urn unearthed in Poland, and is over two thousand years old. 

It is called Rece Boga, meaning "the hands of god," or "the hands of Svarog." It is an ancient symbol of the sun.
Appareantly we have so many things in common with this lady. lol.

Lucifer is the planet Venus in other words Inanna or Ishtar, Mary Magdelena, Lover of the sun, Lover of Jesus, whore of Babylon

Isis is the star sirius, holy mother, Mary, mother of the sun, mother of Jesus

So we have two female holy stars with the same name, Mary

Jesus is our sun. the lover of lucifer, the lover of the planet Venus.

(The Planet Venus is the closest planet to the sun already)

Satan is The Planet Saturn and it's cosmic and astrological impact on our planet earth just like the other holy stars.

Soul reincarnation process takes place through the sun, Orion belt and the star Sirius, in other words between those stars one by one, finally we come down to earth again and again.

Our souls are a kind of plasma source energy, sun energy.

The Pharaoh Akhanaten and his wife had attempted to gain back the old ancient wisdom of Atlantis, the religon of the sun, he knew the truth because his deities were ancient Atlanteans.

But unfortunately he failed.

There is no extraterrestrial connection, it's a false theory, so don't fool yorself, there had been Aryan type of Atlanteans with blue eyes and elongated skulls however but they all were humans in flesh and blood at least as much as you and me.

How about a Pleiadian & Aldebaran connection?

a very low probability.

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Lucifer And Satan

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