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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Occults Secrets of Vril - Full Documentary

42 min
Theo Paijmans,Michael Fitzgerald
During World War II, the Germans yearned for any advantage over their opponents. 

Whether it was technology, intelligence or strength, they wanted to be the best of the best. 

When Maria Orsic, a young German nationalist, came forward to share her remarkable gifts, the Nazis were delighted. 

What they discovered about her was more spectacular than anyone could ever have imagined: Maria could communicate with extraterrestrials.

Maria Orsic was a medium and the leader of a Nazi secret society, known as the Vril, that existed in the WWII era. 

The Vril Society was established after Orsic received communication from extraterrestrials who had once lived in what is now Sumeria. 

These beings eventually departed Earth for the Aldebaran solar system. The Vril named themselves after the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-ll,” meaning “God-like.”

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