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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Pleiadian Protection & Care - Full Documentary HD

06 min
Sirius Documentaries
Oh man ı can't believe that Gosha is Polish lol

Dear friends now please listen to me very carefully,
We surely know that there is an ancient conflict between The Pleiadians and The Reptilians, 

A holy war going on constantly since millions of years.

Both sides are Anunnaki by the way.

It is time to pick up a side ı'm afraid dear friends,

 it is time to determine your side dear Laura Eisonhower because we are on the verge of a new era, the golden age is about to start, great major changes are expected worldwide.

Don't get me wrong, ı'm not saying all of those reptilians are bad, that is definitely not true, there are pretty nice extraterrestrial beings among them, of course,

some of them are communist or some even anarcho-communist.

But unfortunately there is also a dark side of this particular alien race,

they think that they are the real owners of this planet and they consider themselves as the masters and in this case of course we are the slaves.

Most of the reptilians are extremely capitalist, ultra zionist and also selfish.

They have huge influence in politics,mainstream media and entertainment industries they are responsible from the global corruption, GMO foods, pop & celebrity culture and etc. 

In short all kinds of harmful things in terms of your health and budget, whatever that you can imagine.

On the other hand of course there are some favorable high tanked reptilians as well, they are expecting and demanding a major global change in a positive way other wise The Pleiadians couldn't help us, and there could be no changes at all, trust me.

So anyways, The Pleiadians have decided to help us, yes they were helping us already but now it's time and therefore their amount of aid is going to be increased rapidly, wait and see yourself.

For instance new upcoming movies from Hollywood side will be dramatically changing in terms of further care about the subjects such as civil rights, corrupted business world, the dark cabal and etc.

Let me give you some examples, check out Adam Driver's The Report from this link , Merly Streep's The Laundromat from here,Keira Knitley's Offical Secrets from here and Michael Shannon and Benedict Cumberbatch's The Current War from here

This new revisional movement will continue ı guess,so ı would like to thank you all those who have contributed in this project.

The Pleiadians have an anarchist lifestlye in peace which means no money, no authority and no conflicts

And guess what,they enjoy and love so much our heavy metal genre music in particular mostly, ı'm not surprised lol, because heavy metal is the music of smart and creative people

They're headbangin' dude!

They are pretty determined and serious to help us, 

the dark and sinister cabal,you are totally fucked up this time bro, ain't no joke, yeah these guys will start to destroy your all plans and actions shortly, 

so what are you gonna do about it huh?

Huge amount of hi-tech information are coming from The Pleiadian side thorugh telephatic and digital means and appareantly that will continue non-stop, 

now we know how to build a real antigravity plasma source energy interstellar ship for instance.

Ok. ı know that dear Pleiadian ambassador Swaruu and the other Tygatian and Pleiadians know about me, and ı truly feel their care and protection, so thank you very much, ı love you guys.

From now on ı consider myself as a Pleiadian!

Please choose the Pleiadians for a much better world and future, choose the light, choose the compassion,wisdom and love!

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