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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Richard Dolan Show: The Chris Bledsoe Story - Full Documentary HD

02 h
Richard Dolan Show
Richard Dolan,Chris Bledsone
Richard interviews UFO experiencer Chris Bledsoe, who's story is paradoxically well known within the UFO world, but nevertheless not well understood by many. In large part, this is because there is just so much going on around Chris and his family -- and those who have visited his North Carolina home as well. 

There isn't simply one story, but many. What has always stood out regarding Chris Bledsoe is the combination of remarkable events around him combined with high credibility of the man himself. 

Along with this are the numerous witnesses who vouch for what has been going on his property. That's why, to present his story properly, we will need several sessions.

 But it's important to start with the big case that got him attention in the first place. 

That is known as the River Incident, and it occurred on January 8, 2007. 

It involved Chris, his son Chris Jr. (17 years old at the time) and three other men who were fishing with them. 

A sighting of three large glowing orbs that all of them eventually saw, missing time (for Chris), sightings of beings and a very strange creature, and much more. 

The event was investigated by MUFON, which still lists his case as unknown. 

We intend to cover the other important events as well, including his encounter with "The Lady." But this episode focuses solely on Bledsoe's encounter of 2007.
Follow this post in order to listen to next part!

To me the most laughable people in life have always been the ones those who don't have the courage to speak directly on your face and hence trying to insult you through indirect references.

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