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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Project Blue Book: Alien Interview - Full Documentary HD

18 min
Aristomenis Tsirbas
Zeta Grey
This is an animated fictional work created of a captive tall zeta elder and owned by Aristomenis Tsirbas which allagedly based on the actual facts and real events which took place at the NSA's S-4 underground lab at Papoose Dry Lake, NV, (13 miles south of Area 51) at the Nevada National Security Site, (formerly Nevada Test Site) very likely in the early fifties.

So as you can see the alien guy is obviously lying and trying to deceive the interrogators.

Visit Dr. Richard Boylan's website from this link.
I like to comment, well we can not reach out to a point with deceptive videos, fake documents and mainstream media,

There's surely something going on out there but unfortunately there are so many people from the mainstream orthodox UFO community trying to decive you guys purposely,

I mean just like so-called Global Warming, they want to use a fake" alien invasion" scenario in order to establish a fascist one world government, they are obviously after centralization of power.

So when you are listening to conferences or trying to follow the subject be very careful, because there are so many deceptives,balloons and lies out there in order to make profit.

Why you can trust me?
Because ı am not in this community to make profit and money and this is a highly important and pretty distinctive difference of me rather than the others,

ı have no reason to lie to you and therefore ı'm fully trustable, you can count on me.

What ı'm doin' here is nothing more than to search for the truth, the whole truth, the truth behind the curtains.

So please, if you are following this non-commercial, ad and banner free Ufology & Spirituality documentary website, please help me out in order to promote this website!

After a lot of investigation ı came to a final conclusion suggesting that if aliens do exist they are definetely not hostile and the abduction scenarios are totally fake, do not believe a word of it.

of course there might be some other malevolent alien races in the universe, because it's so big that's a good possibility, however the aliens who are trying to communicate with us right here and right now are absolutely not, just the opposite, sometimes they're even trying to help us.

Yes they might have their own seperate agenda but whatever they are doing they are doing it without hurting us.

I strongly suggest to follow Dr. Steven Greer, because more likely he is trying to talk about the truth.

There are so many deceptive fake videos, hoaxes and tones of lies because most of them are for the purpose of gaining more subscribers, more followers and thus making more money on youtube 

it's because of this disgusting system and capitalism!

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