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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Coast to Coast AM: L A Marzulli Roswell UFO Incident - Full Documentary HD

104 min
Coast to Coast AM
George Noory,L A Marzulli
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
COAST TO COAST AM - Author and researcher L.A. Marzulli shared newly revealed details about the Roswell UFO crash obtained from a confession, as well as reports of alien abductions, and hybrids among us. 

He was contacted by a woman named Carolyn who dismantles people's estates, and she said she worked with a "Colonel Hill," who had been an intelligence officer/interrogator during WWII. 

About a month before he passed away at age 90, he shared details with her about the 1947 Roswell crash. 

He claimed, Marzulli recounted, that he was flown into Roswell within 24-48 hours of the crash, and was tasked with trying to make contact with one of the surviving entities, which Hill described as having a large head, black eyes, and six fingers.
Bonus Videos:
Cosmic Agency: Swaruu, Matriarchy and Royalty in the Taygetean Society.
David Icke: NBE Podcast About The Situation In Iran
Hi Swaruu, greetings from our planet Earth (Terra), ı'm a humble citizen of this world, ı love you dear lady, ı understand what you mean, and ı agree with you.

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