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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Is Jesus Just a Copy of the Pagan Gods - Full Documentary HD

08 min
Dr. Theodore Cabal
“Is Jesus Just a Copy of the Pagan Gods?" Dr. Theodore Cabal answers in Honest Answers
Regarding the popular zeitgeist documentary sort of claims suggesting that jesus might be a copy of some of those myhthological pagan deities or some other historical figures such as Dionisos, Bacchus, Mithras, Krishna, Hermes Horus, Apollonius of Tyana, Adonis, Zoroaster, etc. ı did a lot of research objectively, ı digged into the subect carefully and deeply more and more and as a final conclusion ı safely can say that these claims absolutely have nothing to do with the truth.

In other words ı'm not convinced that Jesus is a fabricated fake figure.

Yes, obviously there are some similarities, but apparenatly there's not any other story exactly overlapping with the original crucifixion story of jesus, and besides most likely Jesus's a real historical figure.

It's a well-known claim by heart amongst many atheists to say that many pagan gods were born on December 25th. 

that  assertion simply is not true ı'm afraid however.

For example, Horus was believed to have been born in the summer. 

No one knows when Zoroaster was born, but he is remembered as part of the New Year festival in Iran in March. 

Krishna‘s birthday is celebrated in August. 

There is no specific birthday for Adonis. 

The same goes for Hermes. 


So it's safely possible to say that as a christian ı see no reason not to believe in the savior, God and the holy bible both historically and scientifically 

because there are not enough evidence and scientific proof suggesting that it is a false religion.

But on the other hand there's a gnostic Christian side of me as well, 

ı respect the paganist Holy family "Isis-Horus,Osiris" ı respect the universal plasma source energy, the sun religion and ı also believe in astrological and cosmic impacts of the planets and stars on our planet earth.

I like Jesus,, ı like the star sirius as well however and honestly ı don't percieve and consider that particular holy star as something satanic and evil but a positive energy as the holy mother of our planet earth, the divine goddess.

I love you Jesus and ı love you too the star Sirius!

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