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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Coast to Coast AM: The Book of Enoch - Full Documentary HD

60 min
Coast to Coast AM
George Noory, Dr. Michael Heiser,Blake Cousins
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
Scholar of biblical studies Michael Heiser talked about his latest work researching the fall of the heavenly Watchers in the Book of Enoch. 

The story of the Watchers has deep connections to the life of Jesus, the Antichrist, and the end-times. 

The Watchers, he explained, "are not the demons of the gospels... [but] they are connected to where demons come from." 

The material in Enoch, he continued, dates back to the second century BC, and informed the thinking of those who wrote the New Testament.
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alien arts and stories: The tribe Vril - A godlike race from the depths of the Earth
Third Phase of Moon: Experts Baffled! Nobody Can Explain This Egyptian Secret! 2020
First of all today's videos are all great, ı strongly suggest to watch this playlist, yes Vril power, Mr. Heiser is a great scholar.

So just like him ı think that the Anunnaki deities are mythological gods just as the mythological gods of the other Ancient civilisations such as Ancient Greece and Rome, in other words a Pantheon.

It turns out that they did not worship idols made of stone as claimed by the Abrahamic religions because this's is pure astrology actually.

The myhthological gods were the representers of stars and planets in human form, because they knew that these stars & planets have cosmic and astrological impact on our planet earth.

So do not believe a word of it, Anunnaki is a false theory.

But ı do believe in Atlantis theory, ı think the Atlanteans were just humans in flesh and blood just like you and me however and today's elite are their descendant, the global dominators.

On the other hand The pleiadians from Aldebaran, Pleiades & Hyades star clusters and the Lyrinas might really exists and the real Anunnaki gods might be the Pleiadians, but ı'd like to see some proof anyway.

Because ı am sorry to say that but ı believe nobody has rights to decive people through some imaginary made-up stories. hoaxes, fake cgi effects, digital visual shows, etc. just to have fun, to gain more subscribers, followers or in order to make profit or something.

That's literally disgusting actually!

I don't believe in Draco Reptilians theory either but ı think the zeta greys do exist as biological android life forms and most likely they serve The Pleiadians as well.

Oh, and by the way ı believe infact everyday is Valentine's day.

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