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Friday, February 28, 2020

Coronavirus And The Global Orwellian State - Full Documentary HD

57 min
David Icke
Coronavirus And The Global Orwellian State.
The international zionist capital and the elite might be responsible from Corona Virus, that is a good possibility.

They might want it to become a global pandemic and then of course all the countries will start to shut down their borders one by one and finally tourism industry and the global economy will collapse as expected.

A perfect global scenario and excuse n order establish a totalitarian world government.

Hegalian dialectic: problem-reaction-solution.

On the other hand the international zionist capital is also responsible from the current conflict and chaos in Syria, they want to devide it in small regions just as once how they did in the lost country of Yugoslavia.

My country is next ı'm afraid, yes they want to devide every single country in the middle east in small areas.

So why those zionist power brokers are allegedly socialists mostly?

For instance how come a man like George Soros can be a socialist?

How can a billionaire businessman who's exploiting the labor of hundreds of thousands of workers as an employer might be a socialist?

How ridicilous is that.


Of course, because infact it's just a theatrical stage show .

They are alleged socialists because they are the power brokers of the international capital.

it turns out that they are against all sort of nations, national unities, national investments and cooperations.

And of course labor movements usually damage the national cooperations, companies, investments, etc. and thus the internatioal zionist capital and international banking system win.

It's just a trap, nothing more than cheap zionist foxiness actually.

So unlike so-called socialists libertarian ideas and movements have to be against the international zionist capital, mainstream meda and marxisim at least as much as they do against states, obscurantism, totalitarianism, fascism, celebrity & pop cultre and so on.

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