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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

UAP Crash Retrievals: Public Statements from TTSA Members - Full Documentary HD

80 min
Richard & Tracey Dolan, 
The subject of UFOs, or UAPs nowadays, is definitely easier to talk about in public forums, and even appears now on national broadcast television. 

Much of this is due to the efforts of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA), headed by Tom DeLonge and staffed by scientists and intelligence community personnel such as Hal Puthoff, Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, and others. 

What many people don’t realize is the extent to which members of this organization – and several individuals who have been very close to them over the years – have made a series of provocative public statements attesting to the reality not just of UFO/UAP, but to the recovery of crashed or landed objects by the U.S. military, and apparently by militaries from other nations. 

When taken together, these statements paint a very consistent picture. 

The reality of crash retrievals of UFO/UAP has been an open secret for these individuals, and today 

it’s clearly not even a secret. Richard and Tracey highlight some of the key statements by these individuals and discuss them.
Bonus Videos:
aliens arts ad stories: Received Radio signals from the center of the Hollow Earth
David Icke: Ten Years To Break Out The Perceptual Bubble
Very likely Atlanteans were highly advanced in genetic engineering and they were able to create mixed creatures so what makes you think that they were ancient aliens?

When ancient people had looked in the sky at night they had seen constellations and some formations of the stars in orientation

as a matter of fact they had pretended and attributed them as seen images to animal forms and sometimes mixed animal forms on their cave paintings and various ancient art-works.

Because sometimes what they had seen in heavens were exactly had looked alike mixed animal formations.

That was a kind of anthropomorphisation actually and it's based on human psychology.

So are you sure that you are not flying?

Unfortunately our basic civilisation is severely suffering because of low-level celebrity & pop and The Kardashians culture, popularism, bullshit and lies of the mainstream media, popularist balloons and exaggerations, etc.

Because as ı mentioned earlier everything is inverted as upside-down due to disgustingly satanist nature of the elite.

So as a philosophical approach ı suggest to invert your perspective a bit upside down,

interesting isn't it?

Because when you look at something inverted, you have to rotate your perspective 180 degree in order to see the truth.

As a matter of fact the more popular the worse.

Just look at the google news and see how perverted our civilisation is, not a trace of wisdom.

And now look at this website, no banners, no advertising, no commercials just as how everything should be already in nature.

Just to search for the truth, the whole truth but without exaggerating, deceiving and lying in order to get more popular or to make profit.

Eat fish Elizabeth, it's still the best food available and that's for sure.

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