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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Proximity - Full Documentary HD

(2020) on IMDb
02 h
Eric Demeusy
Ryan Masson, Highdee Kuan, Christian Prentice
A young NASA JPL scientist is abducted by extraterrestrials but when no one believes his story he becomes obsessed with finding proof which leads him on a journey of discovery.
Coincidentally ı just ate some fresh plums with salt while watching this film, Eric means plums in Turkish

That's pretty awesome, thank you Mr. Wilson & Conan, so yes as clearly be seen in this fantastic film we're tired of denial policies of the govenments, we're sick of fake news, bs & lies of the mainstream media, we're truly exhausted cause of dealing with the deceptive sick games and crimes of the deep state.

We demand the truth, we want the truth right here and rgiht now cuz ı believe people of this beautiful world surely deserve to know the truth.

Dear U.D.O. brother, ı've been following your ex-band "Accept" and also your and your new band since my very childhood,

ı have so many touching memories especially from my younghood with your music, that's a long story, ı see that your upcoming new album is about to be released next month and mabe needless to say that ı'm looking' forward to listen to it.

U.D.O. brother, ı can clearly see your humanistic side, your goodwill, good intensions, ı totally agree with you, we are all one, and a united feature world without borders in love peace and harmony is a must,

without racism, fascism, war and terror, ı totally understand you, ı truly and deeply share your dreams, you're a good man dear sir, ı can see that.

 However in short what they are trying to do in a nutshell is to create a fascist, totalitarian dictatorship including a one world currency, a one world religion and a one world govenment, a police state based on their hidden secret reverse engineered alien hi-tech filled with a lot of flying drones in the sky, robots, robo-cops, electronic, digital fascist anuthorized surveillance on public, web-cams on almost at the every corner of the streets, a unified Google search world web, tracing, tracking and logging people in every second, face recognition technologies, digital id cards, etc.

These are not conspiracy theories probably as you think, the so-called "conspiracy theory" term was invented by the C.I.A. in early 50's in order to cover-up their all sort of illegal actions and their top- secret military operations such as assassination of John Kennedy, MJ-12, Area 51, US secret space program, etc.

these are real facts this is the truth dear sir, these world is ruled and controlled by a few %1 percent psychopath, fascist elite,

NASA (NAZI) and their secret space program is based on NAZI hi-tech which was implemented by  "operation  paperclip" in early 50's right after the WWII,

a lot of German Nazi scientists (Wernher Von Braun for instance) had been imported by the C.I.A.

Please do not believe everything you read on the mainstream media, most of their news are serving the dark, sinister and evil agenda of the same elite. because the whole media, tv stations, tv shows, celebrities, disgusting pop culture are all controlled by them.

I see that you're talking about the so-called "climate-change" or "global warming if you will, but it's just another hoax in order to be used as an excuse in order to establish a new world order government in the distant future.

Covid-19 is another mysterious story which mabe you should make a detailed research on it, please follow Mr. David Icke in particular, his opinions, doc. films and videos and other everything you can get or reach out on the net as much as you can.

it's a bit hard task thing to do because they just banned him from everywhere, all social platforms including Facebook and Youtube,


Because they are so scared, they're loosing the cotrol and they are aware of that, they are so afraid of the truth.

This  %1 percent super rich elite, this Illuminati, the zionist and fascist luciferian cult, this disgusting global organisation Rockefeller, Rotschild,Soros and some other families, European kings queens, Emperors, some of those ancient Egyptian Pharoahs (espacially the 18th dynasty) in short the bloodline is more likely descendants of an extraterrestrial race who came to earth from a distance galaxy hundreds of thousands of years ago,

or perhaps they could be ancient Atlanteans which is an another human type pf race with elongated skulls just like Denisovans or Neanderthals with a relatively upper IQ level compared to us (homo-sapiens-sapiens)

Remember the Noah's flood story?

They might be Draconians, Sumerian Anunnaki, The Archons, The Watchers, The Fallen Angels or whoever, whatever,

ı think that part is not very important, what really matters is that the controllers of this planet earth are none-human mostly.

U.D.O. brother please make your research, the question is so simple are you with 'em or are you against 'em?

These guys are enemies of the mankind because more likely they had created mankind through genetic manipulation in order to serve 'em as a slave race and this fact has not changed since hundreds of thousands of years.

We all want to see a united worid in love, peace and harmony but not this way.

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