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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Bloodsucker's Planet - Full Documentary HD

 Bloodsucker's Planet
(2019) on IMDb
67 min
Mark Beal
Cory W. Ahre, Jessica Bell, Adrienne Dobson
In this '60s retro prequel to the bizarro-noir Bloodsucker's Handbook (AKA Enchiridion), Bloodsucker's Planet follows the crew of the space ship Argosy as they respond to a distress signal from the industrial Planet Mara only to discover the planet is ruled by the sinister Mother Vampire. 

Along the way, they encounter disease-carrying Mara bats, a talking space roach, and Adrianna, the gynoid whose developing self-awareness is aided by her collection of vintage romance comics.
Dear Mr. Mark Beal, thank you for this great documentary film, that is very kind of you, no dancin' but fishin' however, no smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll and also no gamblin' but thinkin',

So anyways mabe it's not even needless to say that but this documentary fim is clearly trying to debict the Anunnaki gods story and the history of mankind.

It contains a lot of implicit masonic way of symbolism, at the very first scene for instance as their mother ship is landing on the planet we see that the weather is quiet flooed so at this point let's quote the historical records of the chief engineer Enki from his alleged lost book:

"there was a lot of flood as we approached to the earth for landing"

In this documentary film we see a beautiful astronout lady among the others and supposedly she is a depiction of the Goddess Inanna, the witch extraterrestrial lady and the very first mother of the mankind.

more likely her wide hips refer to the fertility and motherhood, ı believe goddess Inanna is the exact correspondence and synonym of the planet Venus or in other words Lucifer.

But on the other hand there might be a real historical Anunnaki goddess who is also the very first Anunnaki Extraterrestrial who borned on Earth, her sign was Libra ı guess and she has been merged and consubstantiate with the planet Venus which is surely not a coincidence

Yes that was not accidentally but what other explanation might be making sense in this case?

Well it was divine, it was a cosmic overlap, an  astrological way of destiny, just as my existence.

that works for all other connections between Anunnaki extraterrestrials and the holy planets and stars,

very likely throughout the history there have been always real extraterrestrial gods in flesh and blood corresponding to the important planets and stars in our galaxy in terms of their cosmologic characteristic features.

(Those gods migt also be the ancient Atlanteans in origin by the way)

They are depicted as bloodsucking extraterrestrial vampires because the global cabal consists of their descendants and they really suck blood of the poor people of this world just as vampires,

of course obviously ı'm referring to global organisations such as FED, International banking sytem, World Bank, IMF, the bilderberg group, UN,EU, oil industry, nucleer plants, etc.

This fascinating and nostalgic music video right here below rolls for you,

with my best regards.

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