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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Drugs as Weapons Against US - Full Documentary HD

37 min
John Potash
The new book, Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA's Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Leftists tells the story of how undercover U.S. 

Intelligence agents used drugs to target leftist leaders from SDS to the Black Panthers, Young Lords, and the Occupy Movement. 

It also tells how they particularly targeted leftist musicians, including John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, and Tupac Shakur to promote drugs while later murdering them when they started sobering up and taking on more leftist activism.

The book further uncovers the evidence that Intelligence agents dosed Paul Robeson with LSD, gave Mick Jagger his first hit of acid, hooked Janis Joplin on amphetamines, as well as manipulating Elvis Presley, Eminem, the Wu Tang Clan, and others. 

John L. Potash is also the author of The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders. His work has been published in the Baltimore Chronicle, the City Paper, Covert Action Quarterly, Rock Creek Free Press, and Z magazine. 

This oligarchy helped fund the Nazi regime and then saved thousands of Nazis to work with the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA operations such as MK-Ultra pushed LSD and other drugs on leftist leaders and left-leaning populations at home and abroad. 

Here's what we talk about in this segment. 
• U.S. Intelligence has been the largest LSD trafficker in the world 
• MK-Ultra had a ‘hit list’ of leftist leaders to dose with LSD (acid) 
• Several top MK-Ultra agents attended the Kesey/Grateful Dead ‘Acid Tests’ and Tim Leary’s Millbrook acid estate, both situated near hotbeds of leftist activism 
• Kennedys, MLK and Malcolm assassinated opposing Vietnam War, top opium area 
• MK-Ultra undercover agents pushed acid on musicians 
• The Beatles, John Lennon and George Harrison, were dosed by Harrison’s dentist for their first acid trips before Harrison even knew what LSD was 
• Attorney & legal reporter concluded 7-yr study saying CIA murdered Lennon • An FBI agent gave antiwar Rolling Stone Mick Jagger his first hit of acid, and arrest 
• Leading antiwar SDS chapter, Columbia, banned acid until dosed by FBI agents
 • Jimi Hendrix’s manager Mike Jeffrey had worked for MI6, admitted killing Hendrix 
• Janis Joplin died of “hotshot” pure heroin just before first antiwar concerts 
• CIA/FBI used drugs to target Panthers: Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, Afeni Shakur 
• Nazis aided CIA & cocaine drug lords in genocide of Latin American leftists 
• Kurt Cobain wanted anarchist essays on 30 million-selling Nevermind covers 
• Police supervisor told officers not to investigate Cobain’s death as a murder 
• Police detective defied supervisor and was first Seattle cop murdered in 7 years 
• Tupac & ex-Panthers gang conversion movement cost billions in laundered drug $ 
• Police detective said supervisor called cops who killed Tupac “covert agents”
 • Police used drugs to target Occupy activists and the FBI hid plans to murder them
Cate Blanchett rocks like hell, as far as ı can see she's a beautiful lady.

So Netflix, ı was just wondering are you guys planning to make a brand new hit documentary film about this very subject?

Happy dad day to all fathers of the world including myself


But actually ı don't believe in such days anyways  cuz infact ı surely know that they're nothing more than artifically created allegedly special days as a part of consumer society concept and the system, 

the only thing they're expecting from you is to buy more gifts and thus they want you to see as consuming more and more products.

they don't want you to think however, they don't want you to question the system.

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