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Monday, June 1, 2020

The Truth Behind : The Ark - Full Documentary HD

04 h 07 min
Alex Hearle
Stephen Rashbrook, Mark Zingale, Michael Coogan
Playlist By.
Sirius Documentaries
According to the Bible, The Ark of the Covenant was a box which housed the two tablets of stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments. 

It was constructed by a man called Belazeel on Mount Sinai in Ancient Egypt to the instructions given to Moses by God. 

An object of immense power - capable of laying waste armies, of killing those who dared touch it in a flash of sparks, and guaranteed victory to those who carried it before them into battle. 

Over the centuries it has remained an object of great mystery, inspiring books, feature films and infinite questions.

But can modern science shed new light on what the Ark really was? 

This compelling and controversial film aims to shed new light on the Ark of the Covenant and perhaps finally unravel the truth behind one of the greatest biblical mysteries of all.
Bonus Videos:
Cosmic Agency: Galactic Federation and New World Order - More Truth (Extraterrestrial Communication - Taygeta) ( yes, we're all expecting full intervention from the Federation side however that must be done harmlessly and also without totalitarianism)
Ancient Architects: Ice-Free Antarctica: The 1531 Oronteus Finaeus Map
UAMN TV: We Now Know That UFOs Are Utilizing Doorways In Specific Locations... THEIR'S OR OURS?
Third Phase of Moon: We Haven't Seen Anything Like This!
Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries: Scholars Have Been Mystified Over Proposed New Location
For Atlantis
Coast to Coast AM: Time Travellers from our Future, The Existence of Futuristic Chronauts
Third Phase of Moon: We Ask Corey Goode And Dr Michael Salla The BIG Questions!
The Celestial Laws:
No Dancin' but fishin'
No smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll
No Gamblin' but Thinkin'.

Eat grilled fish because it's the best food available for your health.

Yes unfortuantely the most disgusting part of this system is the inversion, everything is upside-down and Hollywood is just a small part of it.

Cencorship, banninng the people like David Icke or me, fascism, psychopathic behaviour and similar such efforts won't be enough in order to cover-up the truth this time.

Because the truth always wins, just as how the house always wins in gambling in Vegas for instance.


Because it's the design and the nature of this Draconian fascist system, do you know why the house always wins? 

Because casinos are businesses, they have to turn a profit to stay alive while the ecosystem of a casino serves the end goal of taking gamblers' money, players can come out on top by quitting while they're ahead.

I'm not a stupid, ı usually tell the truth, and once again ı just told the truth.

Sooner or later the naive and innocent people of this world will be acknowledged, they will learn the truth.

Why don't you guys  make a new film and just name it as "Joesph the flyin' boy and the awesome Hollywood balloons"


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