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Saturday, June 6, 2020

What Is Anarchy? - Full Documentary HD

03 h 36 min
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
Anarchy is the state of a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body. 

In practical terms, anarchy can refer to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government and institutions.
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Basicly is it possible to live our lives in peace and harmony but without orders, authority, states and governments, or let's say dictators, rulers, kings and queens, couincils, parliaments, etc.?

Yes, that is surely possible, there are logical and proper ways to achieve that goal in terms of political movementes, necessary arrangements and ideas both in theory and practising.

Do we really need the states and authorities?

No, but they want you to believe that we do in order to continue their easy lives in wealth and confort while billions of people of this world are living in extreme poverty.

Is it really a formless and utopian idea just as it's been claimed?

No, absolutely not, it's the biggest lie that has been told in the history of mankind actually, it's just a huge global hoax.

For instance just do a deep research about the topics such as "anarchist collectivism" and anarchist schools of thought and then you will see that it's quiet  possible to live your life without authority, there are ways of it.

Is the way of Jesus Christ in conflict with anarchism?

Absolutely not, quiet the opposite, he might even be considered as a pacifist anarchist who's against violence but also authority just as Tolstoy or Mahatma Gandhi for instance.

We surely know that he was against the authority, force and pressure of the ancient Roman Empire and his teachings on this very subject were in consistency with the idea of not to obey anyone else except for god himself which also means the eternal love.

Yes, of course, pretty much just as any other political ideas Anarchism has it's own various many different fractions, yeah quiet a lot actually.

For instance pacifist anarchism anarcho-communism,individualist anarchism and so on.

Can we consider "Conan The Barbarian" as an anarchist guy for instance?

Yeah of course he's surely an excellent example of Indivualist anarchism.


Unlike Mr. Icke and some other similar theorists is it possible to be a pacifist Christian anarchist but on the other hand also againt the global elite and TNWO.

Yeah, of course just look at the phrase "The New World Order"

Can the Punk music genre be replaced with Heavy Metal genre music which probably might be considered as a more modern, more complex and higher form of it?

Yeah ,there's no doubt about that.

Are those stupid allaged Hollywood punk movement movies releated to this subject?

Of course no, they are only interested in the benefits of the elite, they cover this subject as inverted and in a zionist way as usually they do, and they always use females in the leading roles purposely, they handle the fun part only but no wisdom at all, do not even watch those movies, they don't know a shit actually, just a bunch of ignorant celebs mostly.


Anyhow, that's the basic story, and by the way, we surely know that there are countless number of ultra modern anarchist alien civilisations in 5D and beyond in this universe and also other universes.

But as you guys know whe're just at the very beginning stage of our primitive civilisation, well that does not mean we'll never reach out to their level however, one day in the distant future of course we will.

But do not forget, a modern civilisation does not only mean hi-tech, it also means hi-wisdom.

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