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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Cosmic Agency: A New World Order Taking Place - Full Documentary HD

02 h 22 min
Cosmic Agency
Yashi Swaruu,Aneeka,Gosia
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
This is new Aneeka´s report about her newest intelligence findings regarding Cabal´s plans for humanity. 

This in NO WAY is set in stone, but they definitely are planning this so it is up to US now to fight and make it so it does not happen!
Bonus Videos:
Amanpour and Company: What is America’s Place in the New World Order Post COVID-19?
Coast to Coast AM: Inner Earth Civilisations?
Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries: Earth's Lesser Known Pyramids Are Equally As Mysterious And Unusual
Coast to Coast AM: Aliens From The Draco Star System Are Here, They Always Have Been (No ancient aliens but ancient Atlantis!)
Your Agenda Insight: Social Media Want Brains
Ancient Architects: Stonehenge: Mystery of the Sarsen Stones
Dear friends, the stiuation is pretty serious it's not a joke, covid-19 is a global coup attempt, the transation phase of this process is planned in detail by the global cabal, it is predicted to happen within next couple of years.

The vaccination process is considered to be the second major step of this big plan, everyone those already vaccinated will get a digital number and license given by the local governments, people will be forced to get vaccinated, it will be mandotary in a sence

because if they insist on not being vaccinated they will be banned from the society as if they're kind of leppers, nobody will even get close to them.

they will not be able to buy anything, go shopping or even just going out in public for a short ride without having a legal vaccination licence.

A new world order is about to take place, and unfortunately apparenty there's nothing we can do about it.

It's a global huge plan, a new world order is about to take place very soon.

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