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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

U.D.O. Blasts Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists: 'Are They Stupid Or What? - Full Documentary HD

19 min
U:D.O. blasts coronavirus conspiracy theorists: "Are They Stupid Or What?"
Holy shit today afternoon it's so windy and suddenly a massive wave hit me on the rocks right next to a dock when ı was swimming but ı was lucky enough, just a couple of scratches on my ass you know.

first of all I like both of these guys so much,

obviously Mr. U.D.O. is referring to Mr. Icke.

 Well ı don't  think Mr. Icke is a stupid guy, ı've been following him since many years, ı know him very well, he's surely smart and knowledgeable, he's one of the best known front man of this conspiracy theory thing, a global face just as Mr. U.D.O.

 so we've eliminated the "Stupid" part of Mr. U.D.O.'s statement ı guss now we can focus on the "or what?" question part.

Well Mr. Icke might be wrong about his claims in regards to this Covid thing, and more likely he is, on the other hand however that doesn't mean he's wrong about his all claims cuz afterall nobody is %100 right about everything right?

Of course ı'm not an advocate of Mr Icke but ı surely know that he is telling the truth about a lot of things and especially about the dark and sinister cabal

I surely know that this world is ruled by a lot of psychopaths, they don't like humankind and they want to poison and kill humans at their very young ages as much as possible through their consumer products such as tobacco & cigarettes, junk food, the big pharma, etc.

according to them this is a kind of population control

They let people to use primitive energy sources, they don't give us "zero point energy tech" and thus their billion-dollars oil industry makes profit

They encourage artificially created divisions and seperations among various human races, nations religions, national patriotic ideas and etc.

and thus their billion-dollars weapon industry makes more profit.

These are "666" guys, Venus-Saturn-Anubis, the number of the beast

but they should be "999" guys, Orion-Isis-Horus

they are saturnists (satinists) that's the basic problem.

Let me ask you a simple question, why Mr. Icke has been banned from everywhere including radio shows, portals, Youtube and even Facebook?

Why do you think they banned him?

Because they afraid of his ideas, because he's tellin' the truth mostly.

So let's listen to a bit of his general ideas about Covid 19, here below you may find the releated video, let's listen to it carefully.

Well, of course, he might be wrong but surely he's not wrong about everything he has claimed so far.

I agree with Mr. U.D.O. pretty much about everything he says by the way and especially about Neon Diamonds" song

yes sir, we are natural, we are modest, we are sincere, and we are creative but they are not!

Thank you very much for your upcoming new album, so now it's time to get drunk.


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