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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Dr. Steven Greer: Wake Up to the Facts! - Full Documentary HD

02 h 14 min
Apolla Asteria
Dr. Steven Greer
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
In this exclusive interview Dr. Greer exposes the fake alien disclosure agenda of the deep state and C.I.A since the late 50's so please wake up to the facts. 
Bonus Videos:
Third Phase of Moon: New weird artifical objects seen on the Mars and The Moon.
Richard Dolan: The End of UFO Disclosure?
People, please do not pay any attention to fabricated bullshit and lies, aliens who're in touch with us are not disgusting evil creatures or monsters, they don't have a dark and sinister agenda, there is no such a thing as "hybridization and introgression between native and alien" there are no alleged alien abduction cases either.

It's nothing more than a wisely planned fake alien threat scenario to scare you in order the hide the real facts and the truth behind the curtain and also to make more profit.

It's just another mainstream media balloon just as many others.

I'm belong to Venice Beach originally.

Today ı'm gonna sacrifice one more lemon for the mercy of the holy father Orion and wish good luck and a happy future.

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