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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Enola Holmes Movie and Child Sex Abuse - Full Documentary HD

03 min
Sirius Documentaries
First of all ı's just wondering the European ethnic origin of Sharon Tate, so ı googled it and noticed that the roots of most of the state of TX population are originally German, Irish and English in order.

They had immigrated to TX in 19th century mostly and so as a matter of fact ı jsut thought that perhaps this trailer was a kind of answer to my question.

And by the way now ı know the real reason behind why my mom's favorite movie was "Roman Holiday".

So anyways "Enola Holmes" is an upcoming British film directed by Harry Bradbeer and it's another Netflix production.

"When Enola Holmes-Sherlock's teen sister-discovers her mother missing, she sets off to find her, becoming a super-sleuth in her own right as she outwits her famous brother and unravels a dangerous conspiracy around a mysterious young Lord."

More likely you've instantly recognized the leading actress of this film from "Stranger Things" 

she's Millie Bobby Brown, a British 16 years old little girl, another awesome Hollywood balloon.

So anyways, well, please watch the trailer firstly and then notice that infact what exactly they are trying to do through this movie

in other words what's their hidden subliminal message? 

Can you recognize their dark and sinister agenda behind the scenes?

Ok. let me explain, what they are trying to do is to legalize and normalize pedophelia and child sex abuse because as clearly can been seen in the trailer below they are trying to portrait her as an adult young lady, a woman.

So the message is clear, it's ok. to sleep with her, it's not an issue.

You god damn immoral, corrupt and nasty disgusting creatures, sooner or later you'll pay for your all sins, people are waking up gradually, your all efforts are futile, yeah useless

Because it's the age of aquarius!

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