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Friday, August 28, 2020

Fatima - Full Documentary HD

(2020) on IMDb
01 h 53 min
Marco Pontecorvo
Joaquim de Almeida, Goran Visnjic, Stephanie Gil
Based on historical events, three young shepherds in Fátima, Portugal, report visions of the Virgin Mary, inspiring believers and angering officials of the Church and the government, who try to force them to recant their story.
No dancin' but fishin' brother!
Well, yes this incident is for real, she was the star Sirius in human form, we know her as mother Mary,  she came down to earth twice in order to warn us about the cabal, war, violence and epidemic, this was the first one in 1917 in Portugal and the other one was in Netherlands in 1945, please notice that her both apparitions were during world wars I and II in order and of course that's not a coincidence.

She choosed to appear in the times of great destruction and torment because she was very upset about the situation, because The star Sirius is a very compassionate cosmic star, she considers herself as the mother of mankind.

İf this covid-19 thing become worser perhaps we might expect another apperation from her or from our sun in human form as Jesus or the prophet Zoroaster.

If you want to be close to the god just stay away from the 3D matrix, popular culture, celebrity and pop culture, Tv, the mainstream media, football and other similar means to put people in sleep.

And don't forget that, unfortunately relegious beliefes and religions are also used by the cabal in order to control, manipulate and exploit people's good intensions just as the others.

They like to divide people in artifically created seperation to conrol them easier, yes, compartmentalizations because they are very few in number, they really afraid of us and besides people fight each other when they are divided into camps and thus their billion dollar weapon industry can make more profit.

We are all human beings, we are all brothers and sisters and we are all one, do not be fooled by their sinister games.

Focus on reading, researching, knowledge, wisdom, science, liberterian fine arts (not the bourgeous one), peace and love.

Stay away from Hollywood and Netflix films as well.

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