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Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Alien Religion - Full Documentary HD

04 min
St. Alien 
The Historical Confusion of the Pagan Gods:
Well this common confusion is based on some simple facts basicly:

The Holy stars and planets which have a strong astrological and cosmic impact on this planet earth are almost just like us 

because they do have a sort of cosmic consciousness, they are intelligent and they have a memory and they have feelings, they have both male and female sides and they have both negative and positive sides besides they reincarnate too.

Those holy stars and planets who are responsible from various different positive and negative effects on this planet such as growing grain, hunt, war, love, peace, seasonal and peroidic changes ,etc. had been interpreted as the myhthological gods and pantheons by the ancient civilisations.

They're also had been symbolised as sculptures those today we see in several museums and ancient locations all around the world.

But a great deal of the ignorant ancient people had worshipped the physical forms of those sculptues which made of stone mistakenly instead of their real cosmological and religious power and meanings behind 'em, because they're confused.

So how did these ancient civilisations get all those astronomical, astrological and cosmic knowledge and wisdom?

Just by skygazing with naked eye without help of telescopes and advanced technlology?

Of course no, that is impossible!

They got this information from the ancient Atlanteans

The ancient Atlanteans who're also the builders of the great pyramids of Giza and the Ancient Sumerian cities in today's Iraq.

They were another type of homo species with elongates skulls, blue eyes and RH negative blood type just as ancient Neanderthals or Denisovans.

They were the great teachers of our ancestors (Also the bloodline, today's elite and The Illuminati)

Unfortunately we lost the last remaning ring of the connection with that lost civilisation because of the burning of the Library of Alexandria which is a very unfortunate historcal event.

Today a few of that ancient accounts from the ancient Atlantis (the emerald tablets of Thoth for instance) are still being kept in the archives of Vatican hidden from the public.

The elite rather to hide the truth, they also cover-up all historical records, archaeological findings and scientific data related to the subject in order to keep the public in the dark as ignorant in order to enslave and exploit them easier.

The royal interbreeding still continues even today in order to save the royal bloodline, they also usally live longer rather than the average standard people.

So what do ı believe in exactly? 

What is my religion?

Well, ı believe in a sort of cosmic pyramid, let me explain it.

At the toppest level of this holy pyramid there is oneness which leads to an universal duality. (The Qunatum Level)

This oneness is the galactic mother, it is the ether, the source of everything, and she is everywhere including micro and macro cosmos. 

well ı called it as "she" but it doesn't have a gender actually.

one lower rung of the pyramid right under the oneness duality exists. (The Vril power, plasma source, solar energy and dark matter)

as a universal law it is positive and negative, light and darkness, they are equal in terms of their cosmic powers but of course the good and the positive is superior to bad and the negative in terms of universal ethics and moral values.

They are also everywhere.

one lower rung of the pyramid there are holy stars and planets of this planet earth.

(The Star Sirius, The Sun, Orion)

(The Planet Venus, The Moon, The Planet Saturn)
The upwards triangle part of the hexagram symbol consist of the holy stars (Male)
The downwards triangle part of the hexamgram symbol consist of the holy planets (Female)

But there are also some other minor gods such as:

The god of war

The Planet Neptun:
God of water, oceans and seas.


So as you see in my relegious belief there are gods and there are gods above those gods just as a s sort of cosmic pyramid.

That is basicly what ı believe whatever you wanna name it but ı'd rather to call it as

"Alien Religion" 


"Sun Religion" (Solar Religion)

Because, it consist of both monothestic and paganist religious believes, in other words a mix of them.

Whenever ı need to get positive energy from our sun ı simply cut a lemon for instance as a sorf of offering on his alter in order to honor it's cosmic energy and soul and then ı just eat it.

And whenever ı need to get some positive energy from the mother star Sirius for instance ı sacrifice a peach and then ı eat it. 

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