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Friday, August 21, 2020

Netflix's "Cuties" Movie is Sexualizing 11-Year-Olds For Perverts - Full Documentary HD

09 min
Salty Cracker
Netflix's "Cuties" Movie is Sexualizing 11-Year-Olds For Perverts.
Well ı'm always right, Netflix is a fascist and zionist network, do not pay any attention to these celebrity Hollywood perverts, do not watch their movies either, these people are so sick. they are all pedophilia, this world is ruled by psychopaths and the mainstream media is a part of this huge crime as well.

Wake up people, Wake up before it's too late!

They have a disgusting transgender agenda as well, they aim to transform the natural state of the society to a perverted disgrace, they don't have any shame, ı can't believe how dirty they're.

Most of them are zionist perverts and they want to see everyone as themselves, this psychopathic mentality is their basic problem.

That's really gross they are also behind this covid-19 thing, their plan is to sterilize everyone through their vaccines and thus they want to reduce the world population.

How come a psychopath who's pervert enough to penetrate an innocent child can roam freely outside?

What kind of a world are we living in?

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