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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Plastic World - Full Documentary HD

08 min
"Henderson Island is a tiny, uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 3,000 miles from major population centers. 

Though it is half the size of Manhattan, more than 19 tons of trash litter its white, sandy beaches. 

Researchers estimate that it has the highest concentration of debris of any place in the world, for a total of over 37 million pieces on the entirety of the small island. 

For every square meter you walk, on average you’ll find 672 pieces of trash. 

For each visible piece of debris on the beach in the video above, two pieces are buried in the sand. How does so much trash wash ashore on Henderson Island?"

"Ocean plastic has, in a pretty short time, become a surprisingly potent international environmental movement.

For one, there’s more awareness now about the astounding quantity of plastic — between 4.7 and 12.8 million metric tons — floating around in the ocean. 

As the World Economic Forum put it, this volume is 'equivalent to dumping the contents of one garbage truck into the ocean per minute.' But what about large-scale, long-term plastic reduction? 

Shouldn’t we also be working toward that?"
That's literally disgusting, horrible, ı can't even believe that it's true, sometimes ı feel like ı'm ashamed to be human.

The fascist industries, Coca Cola, Pepsi many other junk food product companies, stop producing and marketing your products in plastic bottles and cover sheets immediately!

Manufacture and sell them in glass bottles just as how it was many years ago when ı's a child.

Consumers, please don't be a part of this disgrace, do not consume their products, protest over their malicious intend for profit.

I will keep fighting against this fascist global cabal until my last beath.

To be gentle and well-intentioned
I believe we all have to learn to express our negative sort of feelings without necessarly being rude, to become a more positive, well-intentioned  person helps a lot in order to upgrade our souls to higher densities and dimensions.

Working with low level frequencies and vibrations mean environmental pollution too, it also harm your own psychological state and nervous system which even might potentially lead to some physical disorders.

Abusing others, swearing, bad language also mean low level frequencies which cause bad karma for sure.

"No more Mr. Nice Guy" well ı don't think so, to be nice is a pretty good thing actually.

On the other hand however we have to know how to defend ourselves against an imminent threat, a probable fascist attack or in a similar situation.

To be a positive, peaceful and nice person don't mean to be a coward, a looser or having a passive personality, because unfortunately war and violence are inevitable facts of the nature of this planet earth.

There is fight everywhere and there is war everywhere and most likely they will last forever as a reality of the mankind.

In other words more likely 68 generation had been defending an utopic dream and idea which has no practical validity as a value.

So power makes sense, unfortunately it's pretty important.

Why you shouldn't have a tattoo on your body.
First of all our bodies are sort of temporary temples for our souls, we all should really care about it.

A tattoo is just as a trojan backdoor in digital world, when you have a tatoo on your body it opens backdoors connected to your soul directly to be penetrated, abused and occupied by the negative cosmic dark forces of the cosmic universe.

In other world tattoo is an occult method to activate negative portals on your body, that's why it had been widely used by the pretty much all sorcerers, wizards, magicians, witches and other similar occultists throughout the history of mankind.

So first of all you have to decide for something, 

do you intend to be a good person or a bad person?

Do you like to stand with the devil or bad satanic (saturnist) forces if you will or the good side.

if you are an evil person so keep supporting the global fascist cabal and their sinister and dark intentions, commercialism, artificial life style, perversion,Pedophilia,racism, fassion, tobacco & cigarette companies, cancer, heart and various similar diseases, covid-19, corruption, celebrity and pop culture, plastic products, environmental pollusion, garbage, zionism and all sort of shit like that you know.

But if you are a good and positive person, a musician for instance take a stand with us.

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