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Friday, September 18, 2020

W.A.S.P.: Slaves of the New Word Order - Full Documentary HD

03 h
The Band: 
Blackie Lawless,Chris Holmes,Doug Blair 
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
A one world government, a one world currency, a one world religion, police state, surveillance abuse, fascist, communist, totalitarian dictatorship, laws of the antichrist, rise of the devil, corruption, pop & celebrity culture and pornography, the war against innocent white people.

Professional technocrats ruling the state, the aboliton of democracy, dream of a brand new totally perverted society, 

Do not pay any attention to the mainstream media no more, please just ignore their disgusting tv channels, alleged news and Hollywood movies, don't listen to their bullshit and lies no more. 

Resist The Matrix, just try to stay out of the box.

Tv also means 'the idiot box' actually.

but instead just try to create your own alternate entertainment programs and shows on the free web, try to follow the updates from alternate platforms such as this very website.

Bonus Videos:
Phenomena Magazine: Earth's Polar Shift and Ancient Cataclysms... Do We Need To Prepare Ourselves?
Third Phase of Moon: UFO Caught On Security Cam! HUGE BRIGHT EVENT Over California! (Might be SSP craft)
Third Phase of Moon: Massive UFO Lands In Woman's Backyard? 2020 (some of those look like SSP)
Phenomena Magazine: The Mystery Behind The Mass Extinction... What Really Happened To The Dinosaurs?
Dr. Michael Salla: Space Force threatens Deep State Plan for China led New World Order
Phenomena Magazine: The Stoneage of Non-Human Primates...(New Archaeological Discovery) (Hi matey)
Ancient Architects: More NEW Discoveries at Saqqara, Egypt + Planned Giza Transformation
Third Phase of Moon: Project Blue-Book EXPOSED w/ Paul Hynek Comes Forward!
Phenomena Magazine: Oumuamua
Third Phase of Moon:  Scary Ghosts of Hawaii
Phenomena Magazine: Strange Energies of the Giza Pyramids...(Ether and the God Field)

Let's listen to some good stuff.

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