The events occurred just outside RAF Woodbridge, which was used at the time by the United States Air Force (USAF). USAF personnel, including deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt, claimed to see things they described as a UFO sighting.
The occurrence is the most famous of claimed UFO events to have happened in the United Kingdom, ranking among the best-known reported UFO events worldwide.
It has been compared to the Roswell UFO incident in the United States and is sometimes referred to as "Britain's Roswell".
The UK Ministry of Defence stated the event posed no threat to national security, and it therefore never was investigated as a security matter.
Sceptics have explained the sightings as a misinterpretation of a series of nocturnal lights: a fireball, the Orfordness Lighthouse and bright stars.
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I can only criticize the productions or art works which I take seriously, clownery makes me laugh of course but that's all.
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