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Monday, May 10, 2021

Ahriman's Wrath - Full Documentary HD

700 B.C.
04 min
Ahriman is the antagonistic figure of Zoroastrian mythology, the agent of evil and darkness who fights an eternal battle against the god Ahura Mazda.
The Celestial Rules:
No Dancin' but Fishin'
No Smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll
No Gamblin' but Thinkin'
No Communism, No Feminism, No Human Caused Climate Change
But beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese.

St. Allien Says:
Well here is the thing, Jesus was the reincarnation of prophet Zoroaster, prophet Zoroaster was reincarnation of prophet phaorah Akhenaten, Akhenaten was the reincarnation of Horus, and Horus is our sun. 

Mother Mary was the reincarnation of Isis which is the star Sirius in flesh and blood human form.

Mary Magdalene was the reincarnation of Inanna which is the planet Venus (Lucifer)n flesh and blood human form.

So all those prophets are basicly the very same person in essence which is a quantum level phenomenon called as 'soul'

Therefore ı think there is no obstacle to be a multi-religious person which means that ı can be a christian and a zoroastrian but also a pagan at the same time.

Do you understand? 

Am ı making sense?

Because they are all originated from the same root, the solar religion.

And they are all trying to teach the very same universal ethics and principles.

The second coming of the christ will be as a sudden unexpected solar flash ending up with a huge global catastrophe within the next 1000 years and very likely earth's poles will evantually flip ı'm afraid.

Unfortunately so many will die of course but on the other hand a global consciousness ascension will take place. a sort of positive cosmic enegy will surround every single being living on this planet and thus the awakening of humanity process will be succeeded globally, 

love will win in the end because love always wins!

St. Alien Asks:
Why don't you eat some grilled salmon fish?

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