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Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Different Types of Beans - Full Documentary HD

07 min
Mr. Bean
Mr. Bean
Mr. Bean discusses types of beans and the best varieties to grow. 

Includes pole beans, bush beans, fava beans. 

Advantages and disadvantages to types bro.
The Celestial Rules:
No Dancin' but Fishin'
No Smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll
No Gamblin' but Thinkin'
No Communism, No Feminism, No Human Caused Climate Change
But beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese.

St. Alien Says:
Seemingly Mildred Gillars was a victim of love, poor lady, on one side we have racist and psychopath Nazi ideology and on the other side we have the global monarchy which is another version of the very same perverted mindset.

Because both are originated from the same source, you know that right?

We are controlled and manipulated by a zionist global cult, a sabbetean frankist in other words saturnist fascist ideology, 

They keep poisoning our children through bad quality tobacco mixed with a lot of harmful chemicals,fatty food,GMO Food and other harmful products purposely, this is a huge problem but the good news is people are waking up gradually because it's the age of aquarius which means a global awakening,

They are hiding behind freedom and free-will terms.

Hey! No one has rights to poison people through their canserojen crap which causes a lot of deadly diseases including high level cholesterol,heart diseases and many others.

You know what, normally gamble,Junk-food,fatty chips,cigarettes,harmful pharmaceuticals drugs and similar products should not even have been manufactured and sold in those grocery stores anyway.

There have to be some limitations and laws in our states for that shit.

Nothing is more important than human life and human health!

I don't believe in their the so called 'free will' and 'free choice' bs either because these terms are used as a shiled or a mask in order to hide their satanic purposes and agenda, they like to make easy money through easy but also evil and harmful means, this is the real truth.

But ı know that my radical or marginal ideas are pretty obscure and absurd for the most of the Americans, 

Because the United States of America is based on these values basicly. 

The Founding fathers had believed in free will, free choice, free markets and competitons policy.

The bad news is founding fathers were also a part of this global satanic cult mostly,they were all descandants of the Anunnaki reptilians, Rh negative blood type you know,lol.

Even though to me 'fashion' is an alien term ı appreciate ceative designing part of it

Hipster philosophy was based on easy living,not working regularly and also dressing comfortably,natural and cheap, preferably flea markets for instance therefore it has nothing to do with 'fashion' these are opposite things, most of the hippes were anti capitalists actually.

There were some good things and truth in their philosphy and lifstyle such as peace and love however unfortunately they had been manipulated to a wrong direction by the cabal because they were about to become a serious threat for the system.

So What Is Good Music?
Wel, it's a relative term actually, if the music that you listen to sounds good to you then it's good music for instance my compositions sound pretty good to me, so it's good music at least for me, lol.

St. Alien Says:
Today let's cook some fresh flat beans with olive oil and beef then let's eat some fruit, watermelon might be a good idea ı suppose.

Flat beans are one of the healthiest vegetables for your heart. 

A good source of vitamin A, K, C, proteins and folate, flat beans boost your heart health by reducing the risk of iron deficiencies. 

Vitamin B and folate in this vegetable promote blood cell development, boost energy and keep your brain healthy as well.

Top 9 Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon:
Contains Nutrients and Beneficial Plant Compounds
Contains Compounds That May Help Prevent Cancer
May Improve Heart Health
May Lower Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration
May Help Relieve Muscle Soreness
Is Good for Skin and Hair

St. Alien Asks:
Why don't you eat some grilled salmon fish?

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