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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Richard Dolan Show: A UFO Disclosure a Psyop?

52 min
the Richard Dolan Show
Richard Dolan
With so much happening in the UFO field these days, heads are truly spinning. 

And not simply from people who have long followed the subject of UFOs, but suddenly many people who had previously never had much interest in it. 

Many people are asking, why now? 

Some people have concluded that the efforts of the group TTSA and people like Luis Elizondo and Christopher Mellon are part of an intelligence community psychological operation of deception or even a false flag. 

Richard Dolan discusses.
The Celestial Rules:
No Dancin' but Fishin'
No Smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll
No Gamblin' but Thinkin'
No Communism, No Feminism, No Human Caused Climate Change
But beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese.

St. Alien Says:
Dear sir, today we're baking some delicious spicy chicken drumstick curry, sweet potatoes and sweet corn, ı've also decided to eat some light yogurt mixed with garlic and fresh mint. 

that's pretty awesome isn't it?

Bon appetit!

Here are some surprising health benefits of curry powder:
Reducing inflammation
Fighting cancer
Combating Alzheimer's disease
Boosting your bones
Aiding digestion
Looking after your heart
Battling bacteria

Healt benefits of Garlic:
Contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties
Highly Nutritious But Has Very Few Calories
Garlic Can Combat Sickness, Including the Common Cold
The Active Compounds in Garlic Can Reduce Blood Pressure
Garlic Improves Cholesterol Levels, Which May Lower the Risk of Heart Disease
Garlic can ward vampires off
Garlic can protect people and homes from evil spirits

With my best regards!

St. Alien Asks:
Why don't you eat some grilled salmon fish?

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