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Saturday, December 14, 2019

David Wilcock: Pete Peterson, The Final Interview - Full Documentary HD

114 min
The Divine Cosmos
David Wilcock,Pete Peterson
The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology. 

The Air Force announced on December 6th that "Secret Space Programs" will be declassified in 2020. 

This new intel precisely fits with the inside information from Pete Peterson, in a call from June 6th, 2019. 

Peterson was arguably the top specialist for black-ops technology in the military-industrial complex for many years. 

According to this "deathbed confessional" from Pete, he would be allowed to tell the world anything he wanted about his experiences "on the inside" within six to eight months from the time of the interview. 

Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations, and just over a month later, he died of an "accidental injection" at the senior center he was staying at. 

Adding greatly to the suspicion was the fact that Woody, another top insider who had spoken to David Wilcock, died that same day. 

This happened immediately after Woody was involved in signing off on a new financial system that will get us back on the gold standard and defeat financial tyranny.
I'm deeply sorry for diceased Mr. Peterson, yes unfortunately it's not a joke, dealing with the cabal is a truly dangerous occupation, because they are the ritchest and most powerful people of the world.

If you are an opsticle in front of them, if you are bothering them in some manner they simply kill you, they are able to destroy anything or anyone that they wish.

In short dealing with the elite is not an easy task to do, so be very careful because these guys have no jokes.

Fighting against the elite is also the essence of anachist way of thinking, but my approach is a little bit different, no gods no masters yes but except for one, and it's called love, 

my god and master is love and ı believe sooner or later love will win at the end because love is superior to hate.

My priority is advocating for dying children firstly, because ı believe nothing is important than the children of this world.

Hundreds of thousands of children are dying because of hunger, famine, poverty, epidemics, war and terror in the middle east and in Africa every single day 

and the cabal, the super ritch elite is resposible from this guilt which might even be considered as the biggest human crime in the history of mankind.

Well-known typical characteristics of the elite people:
Lack of emphaty and creativity, copy & paste sort of enterprises and art works, pedophelia and perversion, shallowness, artificiality, recklessness and waywardness, fascist, brutal,sociopathic and psychopathic mindset, feeling no remorse and guilt, pathological and compulsive lying.

Their typical abilities:
Controlling and manipulating mind remotely, time travel technology, ability to control the future and the 3D Matrix which we currently live in, ability to create different scenarios and versions of happenings and alternate varieties of possibilities and timelines in terms of linear time, ability to bend space-time and interstallar travel through portals and wormhols beyond the speed of light, etc.

Believe it or not hey are able to know what's coming or what's gonna happen next in the future.

Some well-known elite Dragon families & bloodlines
Rockefeller, Rotchild, Soros, J.P. Morgan, Li, Onassis, DuPont, British Royalty & Buckingham Palace, Dutch royalty, Monaco Royal Family, Russell Family, Van Duyn Family, Kennedy Bloodline, Bundy Bloodline, Astor Bloodline, Hilton Family, Collins family, The Freeman Bloodline, Bloomberg, Exxon etc.

The Bilderberg Group, International Banking System, World Bank, IMF, FED, UN, EU ,NATO, NASA, etc.

Most of the mega pop- stars, Hollywood and Hollywood stars, mainstream media and mainstream entertainment sector, popular tv channels, newspapers, magazines, social media, Netflix, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Apple, Microsoft, a big portion of the web and etc. are all controlled by them.

Love win will in the end.

God bless you all.

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