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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Non-Linear Time: A layperson's Perspective - Full Documentary HD

10 min
Kris Fuehr
3 existing time theories, a personal experience, and a proposal for new theories.
Basicly this world is heavly under the influence of Seth & Nephthys in particual in terms of cosmic and astrological impact since thousands of years.

But normally it should be under the influcence of Osiris & Isis

This situation is not a perception it is a reality and everything is not perception as it's claimed,

when you suffer from a disease for instance it's not a perception but a disease, it's a reality. and if there's a cure for your disease you are lucky.

Because unfortunately we live in 3D environment that limited with some certain oppurtunities and linear time concept is only one of them,

in other words non-linear time concept is not an optional choice in a 3D environment model and hence reality is not a perception,

There are really serious and big problems of this planet earth, hatred, war, terror, zionism, fascism, corruption, great sorrows and death.

celebrity and pop culture, mainstream media, politicans, liers,

a virtual web platform which is supposed to be a completely free service for informational purposes only, a database of true knowlede, wisdom and science,

however it's filled with disgusting gamble and betting websites, pornography, promotional banners popping up everywhere, guile and fraud, commercials, viruses, trojans, hijacker codes and etc.,

it's not even safe.

And your perception theory won't help in order to fix the situation.

We need some urgent and real solutions right here and right now.

On the other hand perception is in important phenomenon of course but it's another long story.

So do not fool yourself, stoicism and polyanna might help sometimes in order to save the day, but unfortunately not always.

 Dear Catherine please don't get me wrong, ı appreciate your intellectual efforts but fishing is a good occupation too lol.

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