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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ralph Smart: Atlantis Rising - Full Documentary HD

02 h 32 min
Ralph Smart
No dancin' but fishin', it's time to wake up people, sleep no more, don't be a pumpkin cake, don't act like a pumpkin cake, wake up to the facts, realize how your perseption is manipulated by the mainstream media, notice the ugly face of celebrity and pop culture, wake up to the Illuminati and the new world order.

Notice that most of those entertainment people, show business, celebs, popular artists and musicans can not even express their real feelings and thoughts even though they want to, because they know that if they do they are going to loose everything and besides they know that if they explain their political ideas they might loose some of their fans and followers so they loose money, this is the basic handicap and cons of being professional.

Because they've sold their souls to the cabal, they have a sort of contract with the elite, the only thing they could do in terms of politics is to critisize the president Trump once in a while because there is a conflict of interest between the cabal and the Trump side. 

they can't do anything else, they can not critisize the pedhophilia, Hollywood ,corruption, TNWO, etc except for a few mainstream bands like Megadeth, Dee Snider, Evanescence and Roger Waters for instance.

That's why ı'm listenin' to unpopular metal bands mostly, TNWOBHM genre for instance.

And ı don't give a damn even though they're playing bad, sound good enough to me.

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