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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Tic Tac UFO is a US Navy Project - Full Documentary HD

03 h 45 min
Professor Simon
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
The story of how the US Navy have developed quantum vacuum propulsion. 

This film proves the link between the 'tictac' UFO, a Navy antigravity patent, re-opening military UFO logs and the briefing of US congressmen on 'the propulsion gap'.
Bonus Videos:
Coast to Coast AM: Antigravity Tic Tac UFO Can Travel Faster Than 23000 Miles an Hour
Phenomena Maganize: Göbekli Tepe (No ancient aliens but Ancient Atlanteans)
Ralph Smart: Something Big is about to Happen
Third Phase of Moon: Recent UFO Sightings
Third Phase of Moon: Exclusive interview with Emery Smith
Third Phase of Moon: Exclusive interview with Emery Smith
Phenomena Magazine:A Mysterious Civilization Prior To Documented History (Hi matey, fishin' is good, good for you)
Coast to Coast AM: Discovery Of The Tomb in Jordan May Contain Remains of Cleopatra
Yes, unfortunately UFO encounters are perfect excuses to cover-up deep state projects, they are working on antigravity propulsion projects in deep secrecy and they surely don't want these projects to be exposed.

So if you sight another udentified flying object next time you might want to consider it as a probable secret space project as well.

The biggest problem and the obstacle that we face in ufogy most commanly is disinformation campaigns,

Unfortunately a bunch of of bullshitters and liars are perpetuating fabricated fake stories all the time in order to confuse and distract people and also to make profit.

So if you are interested in ufology you gotta be ve very careful when you are studying it, always do your own research, make sure that you're digging into the subejects deeply in terms of all aspects and most importantly always review opposed views as well.

I'm proud of our new Black Sea gas discovery, that's pretty awesome.
Well, here is another watch on his head

Obviusly it's not a watch but Sumerian fertility symbol, in other words, the symbol of Inanna.
I don't think there is a connection between Göbekli Tepe and the so-called ancient aliens either. 

but of curse those allaged "ancient aliens" might be infact the ancient Atlanteans, humans in flesh and blood just as you and me.

I'd like to remind you that The star Sirius A is about 230 million years, it's a very hot and young star, that's why it's so bright, on the other hand however our sun is about 4,6 billion years, 

so how come a so-called younger star civilisation can lead to a much older star civilisation? That's very unlikely isn't it?

Your Phenomena magazine short documentary films are based on a lot of speculation, relative comparisons, hypothesis but not much scientific data and enough evidence to believe in such an absurd theory.

"The ancient aliens" is a false theory.

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