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Friday, September 11, 2020

Dune Offical Movie Trailer - Full Documentary HD

03 h 08 min
Denis Villeneuve
Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Timothée Chalamet
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
Feature adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel, about the son of a noble family entrusted with the protection of the most valuable asset and most vital element in the galaxy.
Bonus Videos: 
Phenomena Magazine: The Flat Earth And The Concept Behind Such A Theory (lol)
Phenomena Magazine: Strange Invaders and the Mystical Locations of Ireland (No dancin' but fishin'!)
Coast to Coast AM: Pentagon UFO Program
Third Phase of Moon: Nazi Foo Fightes Retro Footage from 1940's (Yep, likely real stuff)
Dr. Michael Salla: China's Secret Space Program Today: Global Threat or Opportunity?
Phenomena Magazine: Incredible Ancient Lost Cities
Ancient Architects: 13 Sealed Ancient Egyptian Coffins Discovered in Saqqara in Egypt (How about battlestar galactica)
Phenomena Magazine: A Pharaoh’s Dream Changed The Course of Ancient Egypt History
Phenomena Magazine: The Real Star Trek Technology of Today...(From Science Fiction To Fact) (The world needs you lol)
Phenomena Magazine: The Mysterious Ancient Pyramid Builders... (The Lost Architects)
Phenomena Magazine: Solar Flare Causes Blackout...(But Scientists Discover, it Wasn't From Our Sun) (Trump Rocks!)
This looks like a good movie series ı've to admit but unfortunately very likely it'll be a trilogy series or something just as the others due to their obvious corrupt commercial way of mentality, 

try to change your mentality and from now on try not to promote harmful products for general human health in your movies no more.

Note 1:
in 2012 ı've been digging in to the subject and then finally ı saw some genuine pics of Ivan135 guy while posing in a 3d modeling studio but then they removed those pics from the web immediately.

Believe it or not as you  wish, your choice and honestly ı don't care but that's the truth.

Note 2:
Atlantis was an ancient island in the Atlantic ocean about 11600 years ago and it's exact location was off the coast of the country of Spain but of course flying is for free.

Note 3:
Dear Mr. Dee Snider Why do you think Trump supporters are all idiots, well ı'm one of them but ı don't think ı'm an idiot and besides ı'm a follower of you too,

we are all brothers and sisters aren't we?

Note 4:
Dear Adam Sandler (Adam Sende) you know what, ı seriously wonder sometimes weather you're acting your ficional or natural charachter in your films, this guy is like a joke.

Well listen buddy,  ı's a good basketball player whe ı's young yes, that's true but my musical abilities are higher compared to my basketball skills, that's a fact but ı think it's possible to safely say that ı had teamed up with the wrong guys who really don't have that much musical talent and good musical ears, 

ı mean for instance if ı was born in the US then more likeley ı's gonna be a real rock star or something and ı'm pretty damn sure about that.

So let's listen to some good stuff if you don't mind. 

(well, ı mean surely it's one of my those pretty damn good compositions but unfortunately it's not had been played correctly and good enough as it deserves by the other members of the band 

and besides more importantly it had not been recorded in a pro studio but an ameteur chip one and besides t's been barely converted to mp3 format from an ancient primitive cassatte tape directly so as a matter of fact naturally it has an extremely poor sound quality

because afterall it's an ameteur work but if your musical ear is good enough then normally you should be able to distinguish between a good song and a badly performed version of that very song which also has a so poor recording quality if you really know what ı mean.)

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