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Friday, September 4, 2020

How to Fake Your Own UFO Video (Tutorial) - Full Documentary HD

03 h 29 min
The Meejah Channel
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
How to create your own fake UFO video just in a couple of minutes, (Tutorial)
Bonus Videos:
Another awesome fake UFO video
New Jersey Multiple UFO Sightings Hoax.
Phenomena Magazine: The Time Of Giants Are Becoming Less Legends And More Facts
Phenomena Magazine: The Real Science Fiction Technology... (Taking Humanity To The Stars)
Universe Inside You: Acoustic Levitation (Nice Spec)
Third Phase of Moon: Recent UFO Sifghtings
Phenomena Magazine: The Future of Our Solar System... (Preparing For Significant Changes)
The Richard Dolan Show: The Future of UFO Research (They're observing us and gathering info that's their only agenda ı guess)
Phenomena Magazine: The Advanced Technology of The Ancient Atlanteans - (The Lost City)
Dr. Michael Salla: trailer
Coast to Coast AM: Mysterious Book Kept From Public View... (The Ancient Kolbrin Bible) ( What planet X? Knight Templars like me so much)
Yes sir, as ı mentioned before it's just a plastic world, a world of plastic products, plastic people, lies, fakes, hoaxes, fraud, cgi effects and awesome balloons, nothing is right, nothing at all!

So thank you for suppporting me.

You know what? 

I'd rather to support the president Trump, instead of those fake "leftists", popular culture balloons and the cabal.

Because obviously there's no such a thing as "the left wing" anymore.

So ı don't wanna take a side against Trump just because not to be considered in the same category with those people like Madonna, Rihanna or Lady Gaga.

And besides ı think Ivanka is so pretty, she's cute, lol.

Appareantly Jullianne Moore likes to fly.

And by the way ı'm truly so sorry for Robert and and ı hope he becomes better asap but he's prett young, healty and strong, pretty sure he's gonna get through.

Note 1:
in 2012 ı've been digging in to the subject and then finally ı saw some genuine pics of Ivan135 guy while posing in a 3d modeling studio but then they removed those pics from the web immediately.

Digital frame clock in 50's lol.

Note 2:
Atlantis was an ancient island in the Atlantic ocean about 11600 years ago and it's exact location was off the coast of the country of Spain but of course flying is for free.

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