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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ancient Structures & Mysterious Pyramid in Antarctica - Full Documentary HD

01 h 20 min
Phenomena Magazine
Peter Twist
Playlist By:
Sirius Documentaries
Melting snow in Antarctica due to global climate change may have revealed signs of ancient human settlement on the icy continent. 

Some researchers believe that the disappearing snow is finally exposing the mysterious truth about the South Pole, that ancient sailors may well have reached the continent hundreds if not thousands of years before 19th century sealers and explorers. 

Their ancient settlements may be revealed in satellite images from NASA, which appear to show strange markings beneath the snow, some of which look like ancient structures, including a mysterious pyramidal building. 

But how old are these enigmatic remains and who built them
Bonus Videos:
Third Phase of Moon: Something Huge Just Happened? World Events Are Out Of This World!
Ancient Architects: BIGGER than BAALBEK: The 2,000-TON Monoliths of Minya, Ancient Egypt
Phenomena Magazine: 260-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Trees Of Antarctica Shocked Scientific Community
Third Phase of Moon: The Men In Black-Master Cut (Official Music Video)
Black Label Society: Heart of Darkness
Ancient Architects: NEW DISCOVERY: Pre-Dynastic Ancient Egyptian Burials Uncovered
Dirkschneider & The Old Gang: Face Of A Stranger ( No Chicks on Board)
The Celestial Rules:
No Dancin' but Fishin'
No Smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll
No Gamblin' but Thinkin'
No Communism, No Feminism, No Human Caused Climate Change
But beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese.

St. Alien Asks:
Why don't you eat some grilled salmon fish?

St. Alien Says:
This world is supposed to be ruling by special and precious people just like me normally such as creative artists, musicians, intellectuals,etc.

It shoud be ruling by 999, Orion-Sirius-Sun.

However unfortunately it's ruled by disgusting untalented morons, balloons,psychopaths, zionists, warlords, commercialism and swindlers,

in short blood sucking vampires. the draco reptillian bloodline, Seth, the planet saturn and Venus, the lucifer.

This world is controloled by the dark and sinister global cabal,it's ruled by those satanists, pedophilia perverts, the elite, 666, the number of the beast.

Because everything is upside down, every single thing is inverted and manipulated, that's why, they choose to promote 'the kardashians pop culture' instead of real intellectual art and culture because they want to keep people in the dark, it's all about ignorance, because ignorant people can not question their authority and they're aware o that fact very well.

In this world everything is upside down, literally everything that's why Jesus once said "my kingdom is not of this world"

It was astonishingly ridiciolus and funny to see the US president when he has been talking about the so called 'Ermenian Genocide' ı've to admit by the way, lol you gotta be kidding me, oh man someone around him or close to him gotta take this guy to American indian genocide museum which is supposed to be located in Houston, TX.

Or perhaps someone has to remind him that the USA is still considered to be the one of the largest ultra-imperialist country of this planet even today, hey! Your country is resposible from countless misery and death in the middle east, thousands of lost people, tons of families totally eradicated, what the hell  was he talking about?

Appareantly he's also confused with the name of the city Istanbul coz he's called it as it's previous historical name 'Constantinapol', ı hope he didn't do so purposely but mistakenly just as how he was stumbling on steps of air force 1 for instance.

I'm truly proud of my country, there's no such a thing as allagedly 'genocide' in our history, that's totally bs, we have all the necessary documents in our our official records proving that this is an organized and planned international defimation campain of the elite according to their usual 'divide and conquer' policy,

Turkish authorities are ready to present the evidences and prove their claims on any platform or anywhere they wish, let's see what's gonna happen then.

As a matter of fact actually their gangs did kill many Turkish people during their revolt against Ottoman empire and that's the main reason why they had been forced to excile to some other regions and it was totally a necessary and rightful decision because as you know we were at war which's the first world war.

In short one thing is for sure, We won't let them to divide this country just as how they did once in Yugoslavia, they're trying to do the same today in Syria they're trying to take advantage of the so called 'Kurdish issue' and also this hoax genocide issue but surely they won't get anything, their efforts are in vain pal, this counry will stay as one at least for the next thousand of years, ı can assure you that.

We, the Rock 'N' roll musicians are mostly capable of playing Jazz music easily actually, no big deal for us however the point is, heavy metal is the music genre of gods.

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