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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

David Icke: The Global Tyranny - Full Documentary HD

69 min
Beyond Classiied Podcasts
David Icke
The Draco are disincarnate Tyrannosaurs capable of astrally entering humans and Ovvalans through our reptilian brain stem and have reincarnated for centuries through the bodies of the powerful families who control the religions, royal houses and major industries on Earth. 

They are emotionally attached to the blood of their ancestors in the ground - petroleum. 

By instigating wars between religions, and weakening human life through sadness and depleted food, the Reptilians are taking over human life. 

By staging an extraterrestrial invasion, they plan to terrorize humanity and impose global martial law towards a New World Order.
The Celestial Rules:
No Dancin' but Fishin'
No Smokin' but Rock 'N' Roll
No Gamblin' but Thinkin'
No Communism, No Feminism, No Human Caused Climate Change
But beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese.

St. Alien Says:
Unfortunately these people are so sick, oh man ı can't believe how sick they're
 sick bastards, they should be getting a serious treatment in mental health care centers, sinners, heretics, murderers, pscychopats 

burn in helllll, burn in helllll, burn in hellll!

Heavy metal is music of the gods!

St. Alien Asks:
Why don't you eat some grilled salmon fish?

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