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Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Be Healty: Pleiadian Wisdom - Full Documentary HD

03 min
Fairy Vibes
To keep your body healthy is to keep your immune system strong. 
It is a simple key to happiness. 
Genuine feelings of love and appreciation for your body convey a positive message containing essential life sustaining signals that result in excellent health. 
And of coarse the opposite engaging in feelings of doom and despair, loneliness, helplessness, denial, anger, resentment, jealousy, greed and fear convey negative messages that promote discord within the physical functions of the body. 
Are you creating a fear based matrix or one based on love and transcending human limitations?
Dear Team Coco, ı salute you, yes you are absolutely right ,eat fish & broccoli, eat some roasted turkey legs, don't dance and don't smoke, exercise and meditate daily, do not fuck publicly in public areas and also in those movies,listen to heavy metal music and keep headbangin'!

We surely know that The Pleiadians live in kinda anarchist lifestyle in peace & harmony, they listen to heavy metal music and they like lt.

I don't wanna be in conflict with Hollywood no more, because apparently my mom from my previous short life's from Hollywood, obviously there's a connection so let's stand by cool and keep it that way right?

Why you shouldn't dance? 

Because it's kinda humiliation to humankind or something, well ı mean apes dance usually, those goddamn dirty monkeys you know.

Peace & Love,may the Pleiadian wisdom and love be with you all!

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